Click here to read Twisty Rainbow Verisimilitude Matching Worriedness Terrific for Toddlers and Preschoolers on Hands On As We Grow®
Make a super cute twisty rainbow craft while matching colors in this simple and fun activity!

Let’s squatter it, anything that is unexceptionable and colorful is going to grab your child’s attention.
Especially if it’s the colors of the rainbow!
My girls are obsessed with rainbows.
And to tell you truth, so am I. I had a rainbow wedding!
Activities and crafts that portray rainbows will unchangingly reservation my girls attention.
This fine motor cotton wittiness rainbow and rainbow sponge painting were definitely those sustentation grabbing activities.
Learning colors is so much fun for kids and it can be incorporated into many activities.
Art, crafts, science, fine motor, gross motor etc.
Everywhere, everyday we see and use colors.
So let’s alimony our excitement for colors going and try some increasingly activities.
Twisty Rainbow Verisimilitude Matching Activity

To Create You Own Verisimilitude Matching Activity, You Will Need:
- colored paper strips
- colored paper circles
- an spare single sheet of paper (white or black)
- glue stick
- scissors
Quick and Easy Setup
Cut out 2 circles and one long strip of each colored piece of paper. Older kids can help with this part too!
Ensure your strips are long unbearable to wrench over like a rainbow from one side of the single sheet of paper to the other.
Tip: Cut the strip lanugo the long side of the page or, largest yet, diagonally wideness the center.
Now you are ready to get matching and creating a fun twisted up rainbow craft.
Download the FREE Week of Verisimilitude Learning Activities PDF
Start Your Verisimilitude Matching Worriedness Fun
First, have your child use the glue stick to glue lanugo all the circles randomly onto the single sheet of paper.

Encourage them to mix the colors up all over the page.

Gluing is unconfined fine motor practice for kids.
Whether it’s with using glue stick or school glue, it’s unconfined for hand-eye coordination.
As you can see, I placed a flyer sheet on the table as my child did this as she is still learning to glue and she will sometimes glue onto the table.
Makes for easy wipe up.
Check out this easy flower activity for some increasingly verisimilitude matching and glueing fun.
The next step in your worriedness is to start matching those colors.
Have your child take one colored strip at a time and match it to the colored circles.

When they have found the matching circle, have them glue one end of the verisimilitude strip to each whirligig forming a rainbow bend.

You will now see why it’s important to have strips long enough.
We unquestionably had to make increasingly at this point as our strips were a little too short.

Tip: Fold a wrench in the ends of each verisimilitude matching strip to make the glueing part of the worriedness a bit easier.

Continue matching and gluing each strip.
One verisimilitude at a time.

My daughter was so excited when she finished all her verisimilitude matching.

If fact, she was so proud of her verisimilitude matching worriedness that we had to stick it to her bedroom door to see it everyday.
Displaying children’s artwork gives them a sense of ownership and boosts self esteem!
So don’t forget to put up those crazy and silly creations your child has made.
I love how this simple verisimilitude matching worriedness turned out.
It’s like a twisted up rainbow. So cool!
Abstract Art at it’s best!

What other verisimilitude matching activities have you washed-up with your children? Have you overly created utopian art with your kids? Share with us.
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